Ruth Groves 15th July 2014

My love, I have just returned from a three week sailing holiday in the Balearics. It was wonderful, you would have loved it. We never went into a marina but instead used the town quays as you and I had planned to do. We found anchorages I had never been to and sailed almost 700 miles. The weather was good with strong winds....usually on the nose so the sails were quite often reefed and we had big rolly seas so a bit uncomfortable at times. The fellas did all the hard work and produced some wonderful food from that little galley. Oh my love how I miss you and wish you could experience the sort of sailing I am enjoying now. I hope you are watching me from heaven and are proud of me. WHERE THERE IS GREAT LOVE THERE ARE ALWAYS MIRACLES. TO ME FAIR FRIEND YOU NEVER CAN BE OLD FOR AS YOU WERE WHEN FIRST YOUR EYE I EY'D SUCH SEEMS YOUR BEAUTY STILL.